SPX-02, Medium Duty Azimuth and Elevation Rotor.
SPX-02, Medium Duty AZ & EL rotator, Resolution 0.5 degree/step (P/N: SPX-02-MD-03)
The SPX-02 is designed to Rotate in Azimuth and Elevation your Antenna, Dish antenna , Astronomy Tele scope, Camera, Light Box and many more which must be rotated in 2 axis.
This Rotor is supplied including Mounting Antenna Bracket !
Available Options:
#1 Mounting bracket to interface beteen Vertical pole (mast) and rotor (P/N: PLTE-03)
#2 Mounting bracket to interface beteen Vertical pole (mast) and rotor (P/N: PLATE-04)
#3 Ethernet module to control your rotor system through TCP/IP (P/N: SPID-ET)
More options available in the SPX-01 Specifications sheet in PDF formats
Each rotor set is Supplied included controller MD-03 and build in Track interface (USB), lot of tracking program available and easy to install on your Lap-Top or PC and connect the Controller through USB.
You can now auto track Moon, Sun, stars, constellations, galaxies, planets, etc etc.
But if you prefer you can operate manual by pressing the buttons on the front of the panel or additional to order mouse.
SPX-02 supplied with NEW Standard Rotor Controller MD-03 |
SPX-02 Rotor and New model standard controller MD-03
RF HAMDESIGN offers the new MD-03 and PS-03 (Power supply) for use with all standard pulse count SPID and SPX antenna rotators.
MD-03 rotor controller is supplied incl:
Connector set
Built in Track interface for Azimuth and Elevation and X/Y rotators
Flash firmware (Easy to do by user)
Setup Doc (PDF) to start with MD-03 controller
Option available: Ethernet Module, Mouse, Current Measurement Module CMM and Power supply PS-03 and more, check Data sheet SPX-01
Weight MD-03: 3Kg
Dimensions MD-03: 34x26x6,5 cm (WxLxH)
Operations voltage 12...18Vols DC / 15Amp (Suitable Power supply: PS-03)
MD-03 controller fits to all standard pulse count rotators: SPID RAS, BIG-RAS, RAK, BIG-RAK, RAU and RAEL rotators, as well all SPX standard pulse count rotators.
Power supply:
Refer price list for PS-03 Power supply which fits to MD-03
Download Specifications sheet in PDF for MD-03 and PS-03
Download full specifictions list SPX-02 |
We can supply several options to create your rotor:...
Download Specification sheet and options list. [975 KB]
LAST ITEMS High Resolutions SPX-02/HR for sale:
Download specifications sheet SPX-02/HR [1.184 KB]
Price in price list: P/N SPX-02/HR
(Rotation Resolution 0.2degree/step)
PRICE in Price list | EURO |
AZIMUTH & ELEVATION Rotator SPX-02+MD-03 Supplied incl. controller, built in track interface (USB), connectors |
Refer Price list |
Control cable, more options.... | Refer Price list |
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