RF HAMDESIGN can deliver you various Microwave Equipment, Parts and RF measurement service.
For example:.......
* Prime focus Mesh Parabolic dishes
* X-Y Antenna rotators, model Light / Medium / Heavy Duty
* Antenna rotator (heavy duty) including track interface and Absolute encoders
Find all our products in the Products menu button
RF HAMDESIGN can arrange RF measurement for you:
Possible up to 11GHz, power measurement, filters, dir. couplers, coax cables, tune antenna's, etc.
Interested ? Request for quote
Parts are also available, find more info at the Parts page
Available used Parts / Sale Parts: RF Microwave parts
Use the Product tab on this screen left in the corner to enter all products.......
Last update: 20-12-2024
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Only during business hours, only in english or Dutch, only for sales matters. For technical questions, technical support matters please contact us by E-Mail, see our contact RF HAMDESIGN page.
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Mesh Parabolic Dish DISH Feeds Spid Antenna Rotators NEWS Antenna Power Splitters Directional Couplers RF Circulator 3dB Hybrid couplers RF WATT meters PRICE LIST Contact RF HAMDESIGN ISS HAM TV