This PRIME FOCUS MESH DISH KIT can be shipped world wide:
This Prime Focus MESH DISH is a "DO IT YOUR SELF KIT" (see picture on the right) and available with several F/D's and diameters
Supplied including dish feed or with out, just as you prefer !
Available 2 Dish Kits:
#1 Dish KIT Max useable frequency 6 GHz (6mm square hole mesh)
#2 Dish KIT Max useable frequency 11 GHz (2.8mm square hole mesh)
Of course, if you have your own dish-feed, It's possible to use the Dish for each frequency between 1 - 11GHz.
Prime Focus dishes are available as a KIT with F/D: 0.35 / 0.40 / 0.45 / 0.5
(Some exceptions on F/D availability v.s. Diameter)
Available MESH DISH KIT dimensions: (Diameter)
* 1 Meter
* 1,2 Meter
* 1,5 Meter
* 1,9 Meter
* 2,4 Meter
* 3 Meter (F/D 0.40 and 0.45)
* 3 Meter 6-PETAL (F/D 0.45)
* 4.5 Meter (F/D 0.45)
* 1 & 1.2 Meter 10GHz DISH KIT
RF HAMDESIGN MESH DISH KIT is easy to assemble, all material used is aluminum (Mesh and mast clamp made of galvanized steel). All parabolic dishes are supplied with 6mm mesh (Option 2.8mm mesh). This mesh has a square of 6mm and can be used up to 6cm band (max 6GHz), option available mesh 2.8mm square
, max 11GHz.
You only need a hand driller, a hand riveter and some time.
As option is available a Hand riveter, Picture on the right.
• Fast assembly
• Excellent VSWR (When supplied incl. dish feed)
• All holes drilled and tapped. (without holes to mount mesh)
• Including:
........all nuts (stainless steel)
........all bolts (stainless steel)
........mast-clamp (Galvanized steel)
........4mm pop-rivets (incl. 4.1mm bore)
........3-leg feed support (Alum) / on request 4-leg support
........mesh 6mm or 2.8mm square (galvanized steel)
........CNC milled aluminium center (Hub)
• Do It Your Self manual incl lot's of picture's
• Low Windload
• Extremely low weigth design
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WhatsApp: +31 650 882 889
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Only during business hours, only in english or Dutch, only for sales matters. For technical questions, technical support matters please contact us by E-Mail, see our contact RF HAMDESIGN page.
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