MoonBounce with the target group (School) at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in Bonn, Germany |
The MAX-Planck Institut in Germany has arranged a great event for schools to introduce wireless radio through EME (Earth Moon Eaarth) by use of a 1.2Meter RF HAMDESIGN Dish with lot of success.
You can find all detailed info on there web-site:
Lot of girsl and boys where invided to this event.
It was very nice to be able to observe the enthusiasm with which the children in particular - but also adults - dealt with the Morse code and then tried it out on the Morse machine!
For this we had prepared some exercise sheets including Morse code: you could write your name in Morse code and there were some puzzles.
The day was a lot of fun for us and we are now looking forward to the coming weeks, in which we will visit many schools throughout Germany with our project!
Insights into the day: MoonBounce_UniverseOnTour_Bonn
With thanks to MAX-Planck Institut in Germany and Dipl. Ing. (FH) Oliver Polch.
University of Colorado Boulder USA / Aerospace Engineering Sciences. |
RF HAMDESIGN The Netherlands did supplied full Mesh dish setup to:
Aerospace Engineering Sciences Univ. of Colorado Boulder USA
The Univ did create a full research document which can be viewed / downloaded here [7.298 KB]
DJ5AR Ham Radio Station Germany |
LA4ANA Ham Radio Station Norway |
1296MHz EME Ham Radio station, 1M9 Mesh Dish and 1296MHz Septum LHCP/RHCP Dish feed.
SPID Model RAS Rotor is mounted for Azimuth and Elevation rotor.
Technical University of Cartagena, Spain |
Setup of a 3 Meter DISH at the Technical University of Cartagena
A duty with our students and society !
University Cartagena did made a nice 3 Meter Dish setup with a RF HAMDESIGN DISH KIT
Also was done a lot of measurement at the dish and Dish Feed.
To read complete, very interesting documentation they made, open or download the PDF file:.....
Start to read or download: University of Cartagena PDF [2.443 KB]
PA3KTV 2.4 Meter DISH PICK-UP at trailer |
2.4 Meter DISH build up ready to use and ready for transport.
PA3KTV picked it up at his own trailer for transport.
PA3KTV is active with ATV 23/13/6cm
ON4SHF Contest group 1.9 Meter DISH 1296 MHz |
Belgium active contest group on 70cm, 23cm, 13cm, 6cm, 3cm and 1,2cm from JO20KW.
ON4CDQ Peter, ON4CJQ Jerry, ON4CDU Hans, ON4QJ Erwin, ON5DRE Kevin, ON4IY Christophe
Note from Jerry -ON4CJQ:
Nice built dish, working as o bomb !!
Mounting the 1.9meter dish including deliverd 23cm horn dish feed.
SHF-Contest group, DF0YY in JO62GD with 1.9 meter DISH for 1296MHz |
German active caontest group on UHF / SHF.
Working with there 1.9m-Dish in JO62GD
Jens, DL7VTX, one of the operators of DF0YY, did write us:
We all were exited working with the 'huge' dish on 23cm !
So we decided to buy another dish for higher SHF-Band 13-6cm
vy 73s, de Jens, DL7VTX
UHF / SHF-Station, PA1RHQ, 23,13,6 & 3cm |
Multiband Dish feed in front of a 1.2 meter dish supplied with double 6.2mm Mesh to cover 10368MHz range
UHF / SHF-Station, Joel - F6FHP, France |
Replay from Joel - F6FHP,
Dear Frank,
I'am very happy with the dish, it's a great antenna on 23 & 13 cm !
Kind regards, Joel.
National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN) |
UK HAM Radio Station 1296 MHz |
HAM Radio Station G4DHF and 1.9 Meter Dish + 1296MHz Linear Horn Dish Feed
Belgiun HAM Radio station - portable setup |
HAM Radio station DC9UP (Germany) |
3 Meter RF HAMDESIGN DISH Assembly at ESTEC (ESA) loaction The Netherlands. Inc. SPID BIG-RAS antenna rotator. (Earth orbit Satellite ground station) |
3Meter Dish and BIG-RAS/HR in use at CBK (space analysis center) in Poland. |
3 Meter RF HAMDESIGN DISH ready to use placed at Santa Clara University roof, U.S.A. Pictures SPID BIG-RAS antenna rotator. |
YOU-TUBE Movie: |
RF HAMDESIGN 1.9Meter Dish + SPID BIG-RAS/HR rotor system
RF HAMDESIGN 1.2Meter Mesh Dish and LHCP custom made dish feed @ Institute of Aviation in Warsaw mounted on a SPX-02/HR rotor system. |
Check You tube Movie in action 1M2 Mesh Dish @ location.
RF HAMDESIGN 1.9M dish and SPID BIG-RAS/HR + BR-03 bracket rotor system. System supplied to: Space Zero Gravity in Mexico Scroll to view more pictures. |
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Only during business hours, only in english or Dutch, only for sales matters. For technical questions, technical support matters please contact us by E-Mail, see our contact RF HAMDESIGN page.
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